Unanchored TV

I didn’t get any of my regular doses of groupwatches this past week and it’s surprising how that leaves me feeling unmoored. I want my Wednesday Buffy! I want my Thursday Gilmore Girls!

Another week of odds and ends, modern seasons don’t really last long enough to sink into – or I’ve been putting off watching all these old episodes and am slowly making my way through them. Central Park ended up being very, very good and finding its own rhythm. I look forward to seeing more, although you really have to be in the mood for it. I can see myself not really getting it or not being interested all the time – sort of like with Futurama. It’s great and you know it’s great but you have to specifically want to watch Futurama and not just any random comedy. Maybe I liked it and I’m just splitting hairs. I finished it last Monday and that seems so very long ago…


I rewatched Jupiter Ascending – brilliant as always. It’s incredible how much money and time was put into this movie. Like more than I could ever imagine for something so weird and unique. It’s astounding that it got released through Hollywood and not some underground B-movie science fiction film festival. I mean, I love it. The cast is incredible, Mila Kunis never stops being ridiculously gorgeous, the lore goes on for ages, it has a weird obsession with animals? And like, normal animals, like bees and dogs. I want every movie to have a comedic bureaucracy sequence ending with the surprise appearance of Terry Gillam. It’s just an absolutely amazing, loving, breath-taking film that got way too much of a budget and not enough love from Warner Bros. I cry for the lack of sequel.

I checked out the first ep of I May Destroy You and it seems…fine? I think I’m not really into watching people destroy their whole life and privilege because of ~ millennial angst ~ because, um,  that’s not how millennials work. Not millenials outside of very particular circles that seem to get all media attention anyway. I’m assuming it gets better or something as I’ve heard a lot of good things. Self-destructive and highly self-involved characters just don’t appeal to me so maybe I just need to stop watching HBO. Or watch Girls again and force myself to enjoy it. Or just give up on watching shows about people my age and not expecting the hook to be “we’re lonely and horny and wasting all our resources and taking all our friends for granted and completely oblivious to the struggles of the world.”

The green-haired girl with a plant sticker on her backpack is a stoner, get it?

I much more enjoyed the pilot of Sweet/Vicious (here’s where the ‘checking out shows from ages ago kicks in’.) It has a lot of flaws but the leads are interesting and have well-defined characters and the goal of the show is both fun and badass. Whether or not it’s as cathartic in 2020 as it was in 2016 I think it’ll still be a good one-season watch. It also means that I’ll probably check out Someone Great afterward because the writing (if not the direction) for the show is really strong. The gallows humor is unexpectedly the best part because I really didn’t think murder would play into this show at all. Both characters take it extremely well, considering, but I guess once you do a murder you can’t really take it back. The actress who plays Jules reminds me so much of Kirsten Dunst that it’s distracting.

My computer has been acting up so I’ve been dealing with that all week more than anything else. I’m hoping to get it sorted so I can actually relax and watch some TV? It’s tough when your entire life and part of your livelihood revolves around this one object and then that object just…becomes unavailable.

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